加拿大SWAN*The Kissing Swan 親吻天鵝 旋轉雙振動 頂級奢華按摩器

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網址: http://sextop.com.tw/index/product/detail/7477?sn=toye444



The Kissing Swan 將旋轉和振動兩種產品功能完美結合。它也是Swan系列產品線中帶有旋轉功能的振動器之一。The Kissing Swan不同於其他產品的地方在於頂端旋轉設計能够帶來額外刺激。旋轉刺激配合陰蒂振動能够给使用者帶來超出普通振動器的刺激體驗。產品弧形設計進一步增强旋轉刺激,使您體驗更多滿足感及刺激體驗。柔軟的全矽膠表面觸感十分愜意。嵌入光滑矽膠按鍵確保在使用時更加安全。The Kissing Swan將帶给您最優越的振動享受。


Effortlessly becoming the centre of attention, the Kissing Swan surges with passion and is ready to deliver. With the expert design of the SWAN Collection's incremental speed controls, new sensations of pleasure emerge as you progress to the highest speed. At the lowest setting, the clitoral arm delivers a delicate tapping motion. Continue pressing the button, and you are gradually elevated through all of SWAN's variable motions until you find yourself at an intense fluttering sensation. The Kissing Swan also features a strong rotating shaft that adds a beautiful sensuality to your experience.


Details: Waterproof, Travel-Ready, Phthalate-free

Dimensions: 21.3 cm x 4.5 cm (bottom) x 2.5 cm (small tip) x 3.6 cm (large tip)

Finish: 100% Seamless Silicone

Run Time: Up to 6 Hours 30 Minutes

Charge Time: 2 Hours

Battery: Rechargeable Lithium-Ion

Pleasure Technology: Separately Controlled Vibration & Rotation Powered by PowerBullet™


加拿大SWAN*The Kissing Swan 親吻天鵝 旋轉雙振動 頂級奢華按摩器

網址: http://sextop.com.tw/index/product/detail/7477?sn=toye444

更多加拿大SWAN*The Kissing Swan 親吻天鵝 旋轉雙振動 頂級奢華按摩器系列商品挑選名單


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